Will puppies eyes stay blue?

Many people have wondered if the eyes of a puppy will stay blue.

The answer to this question is yes, but there are a few exceptions.

Some puppies’ eyes may change color as they age, while others will keep their blue hue for the entirety of their lives.

There is no one definitive answer to this question since it varies from dog to dog. Some puppies’ eyes may change color as they age, while others will keep their blue hue for the entirety of their lives.

Will puppies eat themselves to death?

Generally speaking, puppies will not eat themselves to death. Puppies have a natural instinct when it comes to how much they should eat. They will usually stop eating when they are full and may not finish their meals if they are not hungry. In addition, puppies need regular exercise and playtime to stay healthy, so they are more likely to use up the energy they gain from their food rather than store it as fat. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that a puppy would accidentally starve itself or overeat until its stomach burst because of a lack of regulation.

However, excessive consumption of unhealthy treats can lead to obesity, which can cause health problems later in life if left unchecked. Therefore, owners should be aware of how much and what type of food they give to their furry friends in order to ensure they stay healthy. In conclusion, while puppies are unlikely to eat themselves to death, owners still need to be mindful of the amount and type of food given to them. With proper regulation and care, a puppy can stay safe and healthy for many years.

Will puppies not eat when teething?

All puppies go through a teething phase where they lose their appetite and chew on everything in sight. It’s normal, and usually lasts for only a week or two. But if your puppy doesn’t eat at all during that time, it could be a sign of something more serious.

If your puppy doesn’t start eating again after a few days, take them to the vet as soon as you can. A lack of appetite could be caused by various illnesses and conditions that need to be addressed. It’s important to make sure your puppy has regular check-ups and is getting proper nutrition for optimal health. With proper care, you can prevent any potential problems that may result in your pup eating itself to death.

Will puppies stop biting?

Many people worry that puppies will never stop biting. But this isn’t the case! With proper training, puppies can be taught to inhibit their bite and only use their mouths for playing and interacting with humans in a friendly way.It’s natural for puppies to bite. They’re teething and exploring their new world with their mouths. But that doesn’t mean you have to put up with it! There are ways to get puppies to stop biting that don’t involve punishment or harsh methods. Here are some tips to try:

  1. Redirect their attention – When you notice your puppy biting, give them a chew toy or another object to redirect their attention away from your skin.
  2. Teach bite inhibition – During playtime, make sure to yelp loudly and end the game when they bite too hard. That way, they learn that biting hurts and it’s not acceptable behavior.
  3. Supervise playtime – Make sure you’re always observing puppies during playtime so you can intervene if necessary.
  4. Use positive reinforcement – Reward good behavior with treats or verbal praise whenever puppies stop themselves from biting or are gentle when playing with people or other pets.

Will puppies sleep through the night?

Puppies will sleep through the night if they are comfortable and safe in their surroundings. Most puppies will sleep for about 8-10 hours per night. Some puppies may wake up during the night, but they will usually go back to sleep after a short period of time. It is important to create a comfortable environment for your puppy so that he or she can get a good night’s sleep. This may include providing a warm bed, proper food and water, and plenty of exercise.

Will puppies pee in their sleep?

No, puppies do not pee in their sleep. Puppies will wake up to pee and if they are unable to get up, they will wet themselves. This is also why it is important to take puppies outside often so that they can learn where to go potty. Although puppies do not pee in their sleep, they may pass gas or make small vocalizations while sleeping. These noises are completely normal and nothing to be concerned about.

Puppies may seem like they are sleeping a lot, but it is important to remember that this is how they grow and develop. During sleep, puppies process everything they learn during the day, so plenty of good quality sleep is essential for your puppy’s healthy development. Providing a warm, safe place for them to rest will ensure that your pup gets quality snooze time throughout the day.

Even though puppies don’t pee in their sleep, regular potty breaks are still essential for developing healthy bathroom habits. Taking your pup out every few hours, or even more frequently if possible, will help them understand what is expected of them and reinforce the idea that going to the bathroom outside is the appropriate behavior. Additionally, frequent potty breaks create opportunities for bonding with your pup and teaching them commands like “go potty” and “come”. Regular potty breaks also give puppies fresh air and exercise while helping to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors that can arise when they become too inactive.

Before taking a puppy outside, be sure to bring along a leash as well as treats or toys to reward them for good behaviors. This will help your puppy associate the experience with something positive so they won’t be afraid of going outdoors in the future. You should also decide ahead of time where you want your puppy to go potty and stick with it each time they go out so they learn what area is designated for this purpose. Additionally, you can use verbal cue words like “go pee” or “go poo” to help them understand where they should go when it’s time to do their business.

Praising your pup each time they do their business correctly will encourage them to continue following proper potty etiquette. Additionally, avoid punishing your pup if there are accidents as this can be confusing and intimidating for them. Instead, focus on cleaning up any messes quickly while providing plenty of praise and rewards when they perform correctly outdoors. With consistent training and plenty of patience, puppies can learn how to use the bathroom outside in no time!

Will puppies overeat?

No, puppies generally have a good sense of when they are full and will stop eating on their own. Like people, some puppies may overeat if given the chance, but this is not the norm. Anytime a puppy begins to show signs of overeating, such as weight gain or loss of appetite, it is important to take measures to adjust the pup’s diet and eating habits.

In addition to providing adequate nutrition for puppies, it is also important to make sure they receive enough exercise. Regular physical activity helps promote healthy growth and development in puppies. Exercise also provides an important outlet for pent up energy that can lead to hyperactivity or other unwanted behaviors. Taking the time to get your puppy out on daily walks or runs will help keep them physically fit and mentally stimulated.

Why puppies chew?

Puppies chew for a variety of reasons. Some puppies chew because they’re teething and their gums are sore. Some puppies chew because they’re bored or lonely. And some puppies chew because they’re trying to learn about their environment. Chewing is a way for puppies to explore the world around them and figure out what everything is made of.

When your puppy starts chewing, it’s important to provide appropriate chew toys and objects that are safe for them. Shoes and furniture should never be allowed as they can contain dangerous chemicals or splinters that could hurt the pup. Instead, offer a variety of different toys such as ropes, balls, rubber chew toys and even edible treats. You can also make chew items from old rags or towels – just make sure to supervise your pup when he has these items so he doesn’t swallow anything hazardous.

It’s also important to exercise your pup regularly as this will help relieve boredom and loneliness which can lead to destructive chewing habits. Taking him on walks several times a day will give him an outlet for his energy and keep him from getting into trouble.

Finally, it’s important to remember that puppies are still learning and your job is to teach them right from wrong. If you catch your pup chewing on something he shouldn’t, take the item away immediately and offer him a safe chew toy instead. Praise him when he chews on appropriate items to reinforce good behavior. With patience and consistency, you can help your puppy learn which objects are acceptable to chew on and which ones should be avoided.

Why puppies cry?

Newborn puppies often cry because they are wet, hungry, cold or uncomfortable. They also may cry when they are separated from their mother or littermates. If you are unable to find the source of the crying, consult with a veterinarian. If a puppy is wet, cold or hungry, you should provide him with warmth and nourishment as soon as possible.

If the puppy is uncomfortable, consider providing a comfortable bedding material such as blankets or towels to ensure he has a good sleeping surface. Puppies may also cry when they need to go to the bathroom. Make sure there is an appropriate area with proper materials for them to do their business.

Finally, it is important for puppies to be surrounded by familiar sounds such as those of their mother and littermates in order to help them feel secure. Playing music softly around them can often help ease their anxiety.

Why puppies bite?

Puppies bite for a variety of reasons. They might be teething and need to chew on something to relieve the discomfort, or they could be trying to play rough and learn how to interact with other dogs. Puppies might also bite when they’re anxious or scared, or if they’re feeling overwhelmed. If your puppy is biting too much, it’s important to start training them early on what is and isn’t appropriate behavior. Be consistent with your commands and rewards, and make sure everyone in the home is following the same rules.

Teaching your puppy to socialize with other dogs and people can also help them learn how to behave around others. If the problem persists, you may need to seek professional help from a canine behaviorist or trainer. Remember, puppies bite for a variety of reasons, but with patience, consistency and training, you can teach your pup that biting is not an acceptable behavior.

It’s also important to understand the different types of bites. Puppies generally use their mouths in order to explore the world around them, which usually involves gentle mouthing and grabbing hold of things like clothing or toys. This type of biting is normal and should be expected as part of the learning process. However, if your puppy starts using their teeth more aggressively than usual, it could mean that they are feeling anxious or scared. In this case, it’s important to remove your puppy from the situation and assess why they may be feeling this way.

Finally, puppies can also use their mouths as a form of communication when interacting with other dogs. This type of play-biting is usually done in a gentle manner and does not cause any harm. However, if the play gets too rough, you should intervene and make sure all parties involved remain safe. If your puppy continues to exhibit aggressive behavior even after being corrected, professional help may be necessary in order to properly address the issue.

By understanding why puppies bite and learning how to manage their behavior, you can help ensure that your pup grows up to be a happy and well-adjusted adult dog. With patience, consistency, and training, you can help your puppy learn that biting is not an appropriate way to interact with the world around them.

Why do puppies get hiccups?

Puppies get hiccups for the same reason that people do: because something irritates their diaphragm. Maybe they swallowed too much air, or maybe they drank too quickly. Puppies might also get the hiccups from excitement or anxiety. If your puppy’s hiccups are persistent or bothersome, talk to your veterinarian. They can offer advice on how to manage them. Some things that may help include having your puppy take slow, deep breaths, lightly massaging their tummy or giving them a small snack. If the hiccups persist for more than 24 hours, contact a vet right away as this could be indicative of an underlying health issue.

One thing to remember is that puppies do not usually have awareness of what hiccups are and why they occur. They probably don’t even know why they’re making such peculiar noises! That’s why it’s important to remain calm and speak comforting words when dealing with your pup’s hiccup episode; reassure them that everything is okay and they’ll eventually go away. With patience (and maybe some extra snacks!), you can help your puppy feel more comfortable during hiccup episodes.

Who do puppies bite so much?

Puppies bite so much because they are teething and their gums are sore. as they get older, they will stop biting as much.

Puppies are naturally curious, and they explore their world with their mouths. They may bite your hands, feet or clothes because they want to investigate what it feels like. Additionally, puppies may use biting as a way of seeking attention or playing.

To prevent this behavior, it’s important to give your puppy lots of positive reinforcement for good behavior and nip any bad behaviors in the bud immediately. You should also provide plenty of chew toys for your puppy so that he can direct his chewing instinct towards appropriate outlets instead of gnawing on you or your belongings.

Read more about the best way to train a puppy to learn more tips on how to train your puppy to stop chewing and biting right away!

Finally, make sure that you establish yourself as the pack leader from a young age by setting rules and boundaries that your puppy must adhere to; this will help him learn that biting is not acceptable and should be avoided. With patience and consistency, you can train your puppy to become a happy and well-behaved pup.

Puppies who sleep a lot?

Yes, puppies sleep a lot. Puppies sleep a lot during the day because they are still growing and need a lot of rest. Puppies also like to take naps during the day. This allows them to get the rest they need and helps them grow up healthy and strong.

Puppies need to get enough rest in order to stay healthy and alert during the day.

Puppies typically sleep for around 18 hours a day, but their exact amount of sleep depends on their age, size and breed. Puppies usually start sleeping for longer stretches at night as they get older. Puppies also may go through times when they are more active and awake than other times. This is normal behavior, so don’t worry if your pup seems to have more energy than usual at certain points during the day or night.

Puppies who are teething?

Puppies that are teething need plenty of chew toys to help them relieve the pain and soreness of their gums. They may also need a softer diet since their teeth are new and still sensitive. Biscuits, for example, can be hard on their gums. Rawhide bones or other sturdy chew toys can help keep puppies from chewing on things they shouldn’t, like your shoes or furniture. It’s also important to keep an eye on puppies when they’re teething, as they may try to chew on anything they can find.

Puppies may also need extra attention and love during this time. Teething can be a stressful experience for them, so providing lots of comfort and affection can help make the process go more smoothly. Playing with puppies is especially important to help keep their minds off of their gums and teeth. Be sure to use appropriate toys that are safe for teething puppies, such as soft balls or rubber chew toys.

Finally, it’s important to take your puppy to the vet for regular checkups while they’re teething. The vet can diagnose any underlying dental problems early on and provide advice on how best to care for your pup’s new teeth.

Puppies may also need extra attention and love during this time. Teething can be a stressful experience for them, so providing lots of comfort and affection can help make the process go more smoothly. Playing with puppies is especially important to help keep their minds off of their gums and teeth. Be sure to use appropriate toys that are safe for teething puppies, such as soft balls or rubber chew toys.

Puppies who bite?

If your pup is biting out of excitement or anxiety, you’ll need to teach them some impulse control. Start by teaching them a “Leave it” cue, and use a food lure to get their attention. As soon as they look at the food, say “leave it” and give them a treat for not biting.

Gradually increase the duration of time they have to stay away from the food before getting the treat. If your pup is biting out of aggression or fear, you’ll want to consult with a trainer or behaviorist who can help you address the underlying issue.

Where puppies should sleep at night?

Puppies should sleep in a warm and comfortable place where they can feel safe. A good option is to put them in a small kennel or crate next to your bed so you can keep an eye on them and comfort them during the night. Puppies generally need about 14-16 hours of sleep per day, so make sure they have plenty of opportunity to snooze!

Keeping the lights dim and avoiding loud noises can also help your pup get a full night’s rest. Additionally, if you have other animals in the home, make sure that they are not bothering or harassing your puppy when it is time for them to sleep. Providing a comfortable bed made of foam or cushioning can also help keep them cozy during their slumber.

Finally, taking your pup out for plenty of exercise and playtime throughout the day will help tire them out so they are more likely to sleep soundly through the night. With these few simple tips, you and your puppy can both be well-rested!

Where puppies should sleep?

Puppies should sleep in a warm and comfortable spot where they will feel safe. A good place for a puppy to sleep is in a crate next to your bed so you can keep an eye on him during the night. You can also put a dog bed in a corner of the room or in an outdoor sheltered area.

If your puppy sleeps outdoors, you’ll need to make sure he has a warm and dry place to sleep. Line his bed with blankets, pillows, or a dog bed filled with soft cushions. You should also provide him with some kind of shelter against the wind and rain.

Always choose an area that is well-ventilated so your puppy can breathe easily while he’s resting. Make sure any outdoor area is fenced in so your puppy won’t wander off during the night.

It’s also important to always keep your puppy on a routine when it comes to sleeping at night. This will help him form good habits and know when it is time for bed each night. A consistent bedtime routine will help give your puppy a sense of security and help him sleep better.

Finally, make sure your puppy is getting plenty of exercise during the day so he’ll be tired enough to sleep at night. Take him on walks or let him run around in the yard for some fun playtime with you and other family members. Active puppies will be more likely to settle down when it’s time for bed.

Overall, a comfortable and safe sleeping environment is key for helping your puppy get a good night’s rest every night. With the right set-up, your pup will soon learn that nighttime means time for snuggling up in his comfy spot!

When puppies are born what do I do?

When puppies are born, they are usually wet and slimy. They will also be coated in a yellowish-white substance called vernix caseosa. This helps protect the puppies’ skin from bacteria and other contaminants until they are able to develop their own immune system. Occasionally, a pup may be born completely naked, but this is rare. Immediately after birth, the puppy’s nose and mouth should be cleared of any secretions so that it can breathe. If the umbilical cord is still attached, it should be cut close to the puppy’s body and rubbed with disinfectant. The mother dog will usually lick her puppies clean, but if she doesn’t, you will need to take care of it. Be sure to keep the area around the puppies warm and free of drafts.

If they seem cold, you can use a warm water bottle or hot pad to keep them comfortable.

The puppy’s first meals will come from their mother. The colostrum produced in the mother’s mammary glands is the best food a puppy can eat during the first few days of life. If the mother has stopped nursing her puppies, it may be necessary to provide other forms of nutrition such as formula or KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer). After about three weeks, the puppies should begin to eat solid food. This should be introduced gradually and never forced upon them. Puppies need plenty of sleep and should not be disturbed unnecessarily. It is important to provide a quiet and safe environment for them to rest in so that they can grow and develop properly. Even at this young age, it is also important to start socializing the puppies so that they will grow up to be friendly and trusting of people.

Puppies should have regular check-ups with a veterinarian in order to make sure that they are healthy and developing properly. During these visits, your vet may recommend vaccinations and deworming treatments as well as provide general advice on caring for the puppy. Be sure to follow all instructions given by your veterinarian so that your puppy can enjoy a long and happy life. Taking good care of a puppy is an important responsibility, but it can also be very rewarding!

When puppies are born?

Puppies are born after a gestation period of about 63 days. Puppies are typically weaned around eight weeks of age, but may remain with their mothers for up to 12 weeks. During the first four weeks of a puppy’s life, they are mostly asleep and do not eat or drink much. They rely on their mother’s milk to provide all the nutrients they need. After four weeks, puppies start to become more active and begin to learn how to play.

When puppies stop biting?

Puppies stop biting when they are about four months old. They have learned that biting is not acceptable behavior and they start to play using their mouths in a more gentle way. Training, consistency and patience play a big role in teaching a puppy not to bite. Don’t forget that puppies are learning from you all the time so it’s important to set a good example by being gentle and patient with them.

Positive reinforcement works best when training puppies not to bite. Give your pup treats or praise after they display desirable behavior, such as playing without biting. This will help reinforce that this type of behavior is acceptable and should be rewarded. Additionally, keep in mind that puppies have very short attention spans and can become easily distracted. So be sure to take frequent breaks during training sessions to give your puppy some rest and reward any good behavior throughout the session.

When puppies need shots?

Puppies need their first round of vaccinations at 6-8 weeks old, and then should continue to get boosters annually. Rabies shots are required by law in most states, so be sure to check with your veterinarian about the necessary vaccines for your area.

It’s important to keep your pup up-to-date on vaccinations, to ensure their health and safety.

Additionally, puppies should be dewormed several times in the first few months of life. Even if your puppy appears healthy, worms can still be present in their system. This is why regular deworming is recommended until they are at least 6 months old. Speak with your veterinarian about the best deworming protocol for your pet’s needs.

Finally, it’s important to schedule regular checkups with a licensed veterinarian throughout the life of your puppy. Your vet will be able to provide necessary preventive care such as flea and tick treatments, as well as detect any underlying issues that could arise over time. These checkups are key to keeping your puppy healthy, so be sure to make them a priority.

When puppies open eyes?

Puppies’ eyes open anywhere from seven to 21 days after birth. In general, puppies will start to open their eyes around the tenth day of life. However, every puppy is different and will open his or her eyes at his or her own pace. Some puppies’ eyes never fully close and remain slightly open even when they are asleep.

Once the eyes open, puppies will start to develop vision. This process is gradual and can take up to a few weeks. During this time the puppies will learn how to focus their eyes and recognize shapes and objects. Puppies’ vision continues to improve until they reach adulthood, with most having full 20/20 vision by 12 weeks of age.

During this time, it’s essential for owners to provide plenty of stimulating visual playtime for their puppy. This encourages them to explore the world around them with their eyes and helps them learn more about the environment they live in. It also helps strengthen their visual skills as well as build confidence and trust in unfamiliar situations or people they encounter while out on walks or at the dog park.

In addition, it’s important to keep in mind that puppies are not born with the same level of vision as an adult dog and need time to adjust and learn how to use their eyes properly. This can take a few weeks so patience is key! If your puppy seems hesitant, scared or confused when engaging in playtime or exploring new places, be sure to provide extra reassurance and encouragement. With a little bit of love and patience, your pup will soon become comfortable with his or her new surroundings.

Finally, if you notice any abnormalities around the eye area such as redness, discharge or swelling after the eyes have opened, it’s best to contact your veterinarian for further evaluation. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your puppy’s eye health! With the right care and attention, your pup will have healthy vision for years to come.

What puppies eat?

Puppies will eat anything and everything they can get their little paws on. This usually includes trash, food off the floor, and even feces. It is important to keep your puppy away from these items and to feed them a specific puppy diet so they can grow into healthy adult dogs.

Puppies need to be able to chew on appropriate items such as bones, toys and treats in order to keep their teeth strong. If your puppy is eating inappropriate items, try switching out the item with a chew toy or something else that will satisfy its urge to chew. If you catch your puppy eating something they shouldn’t, immediately take it away and give them a treat or toy instead.

What puppies need?

Puppies need a lot of things, but one of the most important is socialization. They need to be around people and other animals so that they can learn how to interact properly. Puppies also need plenty of exercise, good food, and clean water. It’s important to brush their teeth, trim their nails, and keep them free of fleas and ticks with regular veterinary care. By feeding your puppy a proper diet and providing them with plenty of exercise, you can help ensure they stay healthy and happy. Training is also essential for puppies as it helps teach them basic behaviors such as potty training, sit/stay commands, leash walking, and more. With consistent practice in a positive manner, puppies will learn quickly what is expected of them.

Finally, lots of love and attention are key! A well-loved puppy will be much more likely to develop into a healthy adult dog than one that never receives affection or attention from its owners. Ultimately, following these guidelines will help create a strong bond between you and your puppy. This, in turn, will create a lifetime of happiness for both of you!

What puppies can eat?

A puppy’s diet should consist of high-quality puppy food that is specifically made for growing dogs. Puppy food usually has more protein and fat than adult dog food to help puppies grow. In addition to a good diet, puppies need plenty of fresh water and plenty of exercise. Puppies can also eat certain human foods, but it’s important to feed them a balanced diet and not give them too many treats. Some good human foods for puppies include cooked chicken, rice, pasta and yogurt.

It’s important to feed puppies at regular times. Puppies should be given meals three to four times a day until they are six months old. After that, feeding twice a day is fine. It’s also important to monitor how much food you give your puppy, as overfeeding can lead to health problems and obesity.

How puppies sleep?

Puppies sleep a lot, just like human babies. They usually sleep for 18 hours per day. Puppies spend most of their time sleeping because they are growing and developing so rapidly. Puppy naps usually last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

Puppies tend to sleep in short bursts throughout the day, rather than one long stretch of sleep. This allows them to stay alert and attentive so they can learn quickly in their new environment. Puppies also love to play and explore, so naps are important for helping them rest and recharge in between activities.

In order for puppies to develop into healthy adults, it is important that they get enough quality sleep. If a puppy does not get enough restful sleep during the day, it can lead to behavioral issues such as hyperactivity and aggression later on. To ensure your pup gets plenty of shut-eye, create a peaceful sleeping environment with comfy bedding and limit distractions like loud noises or bright lights that might disturb their sleep. This will help your pup get the rest they need to grow up healthy and happy!

How puppies play?

Puppies play to learn and explore their worlds. They also play to strengthen their social bonds. When puppies play, they use all of their senses and muscles. Their brains is working hard as they figure out how to interact with each other. Puppy play is important for their healthy development. It helps them learn and practice social skills, exercise their bodies, express emotions, boost confidence, and have fun!

Puppies need appropriate play partners to help them learn healthy behaviors. A puppy’s play partner should be gentle and aware of the puppy’s size and age. Puppy play should always be positive with plenty of rewards like treats or toys. It is important not to overstimulate a puppy during playtime as this can lead to aggression. Playtime is also a great opportunity for pet owners to start teaching the pup obedience commands such as “sit” and “stay.”

Playtime isn’t only beneficial for puppies; it can also benefit their owners! Watching puppies play can bring joy and laughter into our lives. It can also be a great opportunity to bond with your pet. As puppies grow, playtime is an excellent way to reinforce their training and maintain a strong relationship between pup and owner.

Playtime is important for all puppies – young or old! It helps them develop physically and mentally, as well as strengthens the bond between pet and owner. When it comes to puppy playtime, the most important thing is to ensure it’s safe and fun! With the right partner and plenty of rewards, your pup is sure to have a great time at playtime!

Are puppies supposed to sleep a lot?

Puppies are naturally very active and playful animals, but they also need a lot of rest. Most puppies will sleep for up to 18 hours a day. This is normal and doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with your puppy. In fact, taking regular naps will help your puppy stay healthy and active. Be sure to provide your puppy with a comfortable place to sleep, such as a soft bed or crate.

If you want to help your puppy get the rest he needs, try setting a regular sleep schedule for him. This way, he’ll know when it’s time to wind down and get some rest. It’s also important to give your puppy plenty of exercise throughout the day. This will help him burn off excess energy so that he is ready for bedtime when it comes around. With the right balance of exercise and rest, your pup can stay healthy and happy!

If you’re ever worried about how much or how little your puppy is sleeping, don’t hesitate to talk to your vet. They can assess any potential medical issues that may be affecting his sleep patterns and offer advice on how best to keep your pup healthy and well-rested. With a little care and attention, you can ensure that your puppy is getting the rest he needs to thrive!