When puppies are born what do I do?

When puppies are born, they are usually wet and slimy. They will also be coated in a yellowish-white substance called vernix caseosa. This helps protect the puppies’ skin from bacteria and other contaminants until they are able to develop their own immune system. Occasionally, a pup may be born completely naked, but this is rare. Immediately after birth, the puppy’s nose and mouth should be cleared of any secretions so that it can breathe. If the umbilical cord is still attached, it should be cut close to the puppy’s body and rubbed with disinfectant. The mother dog will usually lick her puppies clean, but if she doesn’t, you will need to take care of it. Be sure to keep the area around the puppies warm and free of drafts.

If they seem cold, you can use a warm water bottle or hot pad to keep them comfortable.

The puppy’s first meals will come from their mother. The colostrum produced in the mother’s mammary glands is the best food a puppy can eat during the first few days of life. If the mother has stopped nursing her puppies, it may be necessary to provide other forms of nutrition such as formula or KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer). After about three weeks, the puppies should begin to eat solid food. This should be introduced gradually and never forced upon them. Puppies need plenty of sleep and should not be disturbed unnecessarily. It is important to provide a quiet and safe environment for them to rest in so that they can grow and develop properly. Even at this young age, it is also important to start socializing the puppies so that they will grow up to be friendly and trusting of people.

Puppies should have regular check-ups with a veterinarian in order to make sure that they are healthy and developing properly. During these visits, your vet may recommend vaccinations and deworming treatments as well as provide general advice on caring for the puppy. Be sure to follow all instructions given by your veterinarian so that your puppy can enjoy a long and happy life. Taking good care of a puppy is an important responsibility, but it can also be very rewarding!