Are puppies born with blue eyes?

Some puppies are born with blue eyes and some are not. It all depends on the breed of the dog.

For example, some breeds of dogs, like Siberian Huskies, have a gene that causes them to be born with blue eyes. But other breeds, like German Shepherds, are not born with blue eyes. In fact, they usually have brown eyes.

The color of a puppy’s eyes can change as they grow older too. Some puppies who are born with blue eyes may end up having brown eyes by the time they reach adulthood, while some dogs that have brown eyes when they’re young may end up getting lighter-colored eyes as they mature. So it really just depends on the breed and individual pup!

No matter what color their eyes are though, all puppies (and all dogs!) are beautiful and special in their own way. Each one has its own unique personality and quirks, so be sure to appreciate them for who they truly are!